Affectionately known as ‘the Foundation,’ Island Health Foundation extends opportunities to community members, service clubs and corporations alike to financially invest in the delivery of award-winning, top-notch healthcare in Anacortes and the surrounding region. This community investment ensures Island Health remains a local, independent, publicly-funded health system.

The Foundation, therefore, serves as a financial resource for enhancing medical care through new technology and equipment, expanding critical programs like mental health services and community health education opportunities.

As a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, the Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of up to 21 volunteer community leaders. The role of the Board of Directors is to provide fiscal oversight and stewardship, set policies and goals, as well as fundraise for the organization to fulfill its mission. The Board of Directors works closely with Island Health’s senior leaders to identify funding needs for which philanthropy can make a transformative impact.